I had my wars with mods like C-Lee and Schlooser and the other infamous members in that cesspool of a community. The mods were grown adults who acted like immature teenagers, and anyone not a ultra liberal, atheist, was not welcome and probably still isn’t. But the political thread there is where most key their end.
I had unfortunate and heated debates in the stars wars, Batman, and other movie and TV show topics. More people spent time in non comic book portions like the infamous politics thread. Even in 2017 and before that the site had gone down hill. Like y’all, I had terrible experiences with the community and mods. I damn near forgot that forum existed until a friend reminded me about it at a local comic con a few days ago. Before that I use to just lurk their forums. I used to post there regularly back in like 2011-2017. I am late but randomly googled super hero hype forums and this thread popped up. You either agree with them, or you're gone. That place is a circle jerk of like-minded morons and an echo chamber for them all to repeat their own opinions like they are facts. I sent another follow up email, slightly less cordial, and then, after still no response, I just walked away. I was polite and cordial, and got no response. I actually messaged them politely and told them that i wasn't going back to their political forum, and they didn't even message me back. I'll miss it, but that's because I'm old and don't know any better. They will not allow you to preach against the holy one that is Christopher Nolan, you'd better not say that you want classic Batman 's just a troll trap. I have been to the Batman forums, and I've seen the mods lose it pretty easily. I have some friends I made there, and was even their artist of the year in 2020!! more censored and close-minded than Twitter, and that's saying something. They then dogpiled, told me I was a liar, told me they hoped I was "One in a million" when it came to people dying from vaccines (yes, they actually had people wish I would die), and then, when I defended myself and told them I wasn't going to post in the politics forum anymore.they banned me. They asked how I felt about masks, and I said that they no doubt worked, but only the medical style masks. They were preaching the holy gospel of vaccines, and I simply said that the vaccines weren't 100% effective, and that people had died of Covid while still having the vaccines, and that I knew a couple of family members who had. Honestly, I had some run-ins with a couple of d-bags in the Star Wars forums, but I decided to look at the politics forums, and that's where it went south.